Monday, August 27, 2012

So this summer has been great...I hate to see it starting to wind down. My garden has had some not so great issues this year. Notably, I had squash root rot (self diagnosed). I think I harvested 2 zucchini & 1 yellow squash.  That's all. :(  I have taken the affected plants out of the garden as they have died. Prior to their deaths, I noticed a large amount of squash bugs on some of my plants. Did they cause the plants' demise?  Also my tomato plants are so ugly right now, as pictured here.  Is this blight?  What should I do?  My cucumbers were also less than beautiful or productive.  On a positive note...I have started to harvest a second batch of beans from my bush bean plants & my eggplants are beautiful. I hope your harvest has given you all a bounty of good eats!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Late August Garden Update

8/25 Jim and I were on duty this past week.  The garden looks really
really beautiful, almost like a dream garden in a children's book. We
harvested a LOT of tomatoes on Monday evening, less on Thursday, since
the Food Shelf looked quite tomato-rich, to say the least. Basil, dill
heads, cilantro, some onions went, too. I don't think there were any
bad bugs. Last watering: Friday.