Monday, August 27, 2012

So this summer has been great...I hate to see it starting to wind down. My garden has had some not so great issues this year. Notably, I had squash root rot (self diagnosed). I think I harvested 2 zucchini & 1 yellow squash.  That's all. :(  I have taken the affected plants out of the garden as they have died. Prior to their deaths, I noticed a large amount of squash bugs on some of my plants. Did they cause the plants' demise?  Also my tomato plants are so ugly right now, as pictured here.  Is this blight?  What should I do?  My cucumbers were also less than beautiful or productive.  On a positive note...I have started to harvest a second batch of beans from my bush bean plants & my eggplants are beautiful. I hope your harvest has given you all a bounty of good eats!

1 comment:

  1. Squash bugs do carry and spread disease. I am not sure why we had such an issue with them, but it is true statewide as well. Climate weirding? You did the right thing to remove those out of the garden. I'd get the tomato plants out too. It does look like blight, and it is the right time of year for late blight to take the plants. However, most tomato diseases will eventually strangle the sick plant and its leaves will brown and fall off because of it. When disease strikes, the plants are weakened and become susceptible to even more problems.
    We may want to consider not growing tomatoes and squash for a year or two to see if we can control the diseases now living in our soil. That could be a difficult decision for the gardeners though.
    As for an rss feed to this blog, I have one set up to feed in to my google reader. I am not sure how I did it. When this comment box appeared I was given the choice to subscribe to posts (I think just posts related to this comment) and will be notified by email if anyone else comments here. I'll let you know if that works. ~Cat
